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更新:2021-06-22 18:35编辑:bebe归类:中医养生人气:81

what's this in english ? 这个用英语怎么说?
speak in English 用英语说
如果是短语的两个填空 就是 in english

用 英文怎么说?


Not love not don't choose, love and you stick to it.

To be truly happy is a bit of a day, is for a day of accumulation.

Don't try to hurt the person of love you, also don't let the person you love hurt.

Look at your age is not mature have DuoDa, but see you of shoulder can provoke the responsibility of multiple.

Love a person to treat each other sincerely, sincere heart, communication, the persistence guard mutually.

Don't bother about too much and loses, there is absolutely no feelings fairness, there is no absolute right and wrong, to learn to use a tolerance heart containing each other's faults and mistakes.

Together is a kind of luck, really good precious, don't let the one you love is crying, cherish together sad every minute, good memories of happiness and laughter should be left to the.

No matter what things, do not easily say break up, don't give up easily feelings, the next station is not necessarily better than her.

Believe that you love, don't always doubt her sincerity, close to each other more than leave a little their space.

Often miss each other, even if her bad, put yourself in the other's shoes, for forever don't let she faces become unfamiliar.

In fact every one began to all don't understand love, and love together through some things, and even together through some of the pain, to become mature, will know how to be grateful.

Love on love, don't ever say the regret. Just be sure to remember, let love a little more than the day of joy, don't leave any regret.

Love a person is a very happy, and very hard work.

I always hope I can and lover "taking your hand, and son xielao"

So I always tell yourself: "I love, the love I choose the selected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that I choose, I also will be treated by heart, I don't want to let our each other strange, so I attentively wait... wait for you can understand! Wait for I will bring you happiness, that is also each other's happiness

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