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更新:2021-06-22 17:52编辑:bebe归类:中医养生人气:92

Chinese medicine built on the basis of ancient Chinese culture, Chinese medicine is full of language reflects the culture of ancient China's literary language, philosophy of language, religious language and so on.
There is no doubt that traditional Chinese medicine language sounds beautiful, simple training, deep meaning, but in the translation of our time should be more attention to the reader's feelings and accept.
美国著名的翻译学家和《圣经》翻译家奈达(EugeneA.Nida)在翻译《圣经》时提出,《圣经))的翻译不应是“文化”翻译,而应是“语义翻译”。(谭载喜,P.12) “既然中医毕竟是一门医学科e799bee5baa6e58685e5aeb931333238643033学,而不是文学或哲学,因此中医翻译首先应向读者传达的是中国古老的医学知识,而不是文学或哲学知识”
American translation of Jurists and the "Bible" translators Nida (EugeneA.Nida) in the translation of "Bible" that "the Bible)) translation should not be" cultural "translation, but should be" semantic translation. " (Tan contained hi, P.12) "Since the Chinese medicine, after all, is a medical science, rather than literature or philosophy, so the translation of Chinese medicine should first of all to readers is the ancient Chinese medical knowledge, rather than literary or philosophical knowledge"
(LI Zhao State, P.56), after all, the ultimate aim is to translate the communication and exchanges, so as far as possible the use of well-known to Western readers in English language and rhetorical devices, faithfully translated Chinese medicine intended to be among the medical, there is no need to rigidly adhere to traditional Chinese medicine too much rhetoric and wording of the wonderful ways.
3.2 Chinese and Western medicine and disease-specific terms to the West is not in
Although Chinese and Western medicine have their own unique theoretical system and ways of thinking, but the final analysis, both human health problems, so that in good condition physiological issues related to a science, both to treat disease and improve the prevention of physiological organism physiological health for the purpose.
Although Chinese medicine, some of which concepts and disease is endemic, but most can be translated as Western terminology as much as possible for Western readers to understand.
如《素问•上古天真论》篇中有这样一句话“上古圣人之教下也,皆谓之虚邪贼风……”,虽然有人说这种表达形象生动,可是真要译作“thief wind”,估计西方读者就会一头雾水,其实贼风不过就是“指引起人伤风感冒的致病因素,也就是现代医学上的pathogen或pathogenic factors(wind)”。
Such as "The Elder Suwen • naive theory" chapter of saying, "Elder saints of Education also are referred to as virtual evil wind thief ... ...", although some people say that such a vivid expression of the image, but really to be translated as "thief wind ", it is estimated that Western readers will be confused, in fact, is just the wind thief" refers to the common cold, flu caused by one of the pathogenic factors, that is, modern medicine on the pathogen or pathogenic factors (wind) ".
Therefore, in the English translation of traditional Chinese medicine can be translated in English or modern Western terms as much as possible, not the expression of traditional Chinese medicine methods. If Hyperactivity disease (acute pneumonia), Shilin (urinary tract stones), diabetes (diabetic) (hand-2006 and attending the health of the medical network-7-23) and so on. Of course, traditional Chinese medicine theory to the spread of disease in Western medicine is best translated as also able to add the Names of Diseases.

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