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更新:2021-06-22 17:18编辑:bebe归类:中医养生人气:58


1、He is a Doctor of Philosophy.翻译:他是一位哲学博士。
2、His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought.翻译:他的病较医生原来以为的更严重。
3、How else can the doctor save him?翻译:医院还有别的方法可以救他吗?
4、He would not dream of becoming a doctor.翻译:他做梦也没想到要当大夫。
5、I have a good doctor attending me.翻译:我有一位好医生照料我。
6、Compose yourself before the doctor gets here.翻译:医生到来之前要镇静。
7、This country is being drained of its best doctors.翻译:这个国家最优秀的医生在不断外流。
8、The doctor's home is in Shanghai.翻译:这位医生的家在上海。
9、Will the doctors be able to dry the actor out in time for his next film?翻译:医生们能及时使这名演员在拍下部片子前戒毒吗?
10、The doctor cleaned and dressed the wound.翻译:大夫把伤口洗净,包扎好。

下一篇:中医英语短文翻译 上一篇:秋季养生应当注意那些?