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更新:2021-06-21 18:23编辑:bebe归类:中医养生人气:96

we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy.


About patient treatment cans cans
1. Principle: Principle treatment is based on traditional Chinese medicine theory, the principle of qi, meridians school, school of yin and yang, the Five Elements theory, magnetic therapy study the dialectical relationship between the past simple treatment of the tank, magnetic therapy, medication, electrotherapy, acupuncture, massage, Gua Sha, far infrared, such as integration, the implementation of a full range of diagnosis treatment and adjust the meridian, to the effect of medical treatment.
2: The five major functions: A: diagnosis: bladder followed by selection with 11 points organs can be followed by a sense of mass, pulling on five minutes, according to the color of printed cans, shape, you can accurately judge the condition.
    B: treatment: the risk for the disease, accurately select points 15 minutes cupping. Tank through the skin muscles squeeze the edge of traction, so that the formation of negative-pressure tank, muscle local hyperemia, promote metabolism. Penetrate through the magnetic point by points, so as to stimulate the meridians. Through acupuncture, scraping through by taking to achieve a sense of mass. Through medication, to speed up treatment. In short, the use of cupping therapy, will be able to play active Shujin harmonize qi and blood, adjusting the internal organs, balance of yin and yang, anti-inflammatory analgesic.
    C: Prevention: Regular use of the diagnosis method of analysis to check the function of organs can be very clear of the sub-health state of the human body, indicating the occurrence of various diseases, so prevention and treatment as soon as possible to avoid the occurrence of disease and development.
    D; health care: the use of "therapy can live longer", to promote self-healing the human body the proper functioning of the health regulator, and continuously adjust the resistance of its own self-healing ability to maintain the patency of blood, play a role in day-to-day care.
    E: Beauty: 5 minutes长痘investigated long grouper, black eye, the internal causes of obesity. The use of flash pots, take the cans, Acupoint combination therapy, alternate use, transfer, together with the extraterritorial application, the腠more reason to kill bacteria, promoting blood circulation, activate cells, regulation of endocrine organs to secretion, the meridian flow, blood filling, fundamentally freckle,祛痘to eliminate the black eye,鱼尾纹.

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