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更新:2022-12-23 05:38编辑:bebe归类:饮食养生人气:52

Give your family set a fit meal


How to keep fit?Give you one shedule for you.


This is the breakfast.When you got up,please eat one egg,(boiled egg),the apple(cut a little block of apple for one apple) and poured into the worm water,mixed with each other.You will get one cup of apple juice drink.


This is your lunch.One cup of banana and milk juice,a part of vergetable salad.And two or three steamed buns.(Sometimes you can eat some chicken).


This is your dinner.You can eat some simple meal.Cooked for yourself.Simple meal.Almost time you should be get the rule is:you should be eat a little meat(chicken),more fish,more browns,more vegetables,rice and you also should be eat more soups.


Have a good sleep.A good fit meal will give you more health,but you also need do exercises,if not,you can't be healthy.Good night.Have a good dream.Keep health you should be presistent in this shedule.


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